
Ses œuvres littéraires ont été réunies en une collection de 12 volumes (Wilna 1837) sous son nom d’écrivain, Jean de Swislocz.
DIVERS : notes et références

- "Léon Borowski et Jean Chodzko se trouvaient à la tête de l'aréopage littéraire de Vilna. Chodzko y avait l'autorité que Lamartine a aujourd'hui à Paris"
Source : Adam Mickiewicz, sa vie et son oeuvre par Ladislas Mickiewicz, Władysław Mickiewicz. - p. 44
- Un évêque polonais Le métropolitain Kasimir-Gaspard, Colonna Cieciszowski et son temps 1745-1831 - par Léonard Chodźko - 1866

- Borejko-Chodźko I.[Jan]. Diecezja Mińska około 1830 roku. Lublin, 1998. Cz. II. S. 25.

- [Jan Borejko-Chodźko]. Wiadomości historyczno-statystyczne o kościołach rzymskokatolickich w diecezji Mińskiej, ułożona i spisana w 1845 r. Przez Jana Borejkę Chodźkę, k. 206. — Biblioteka Jagiellońska, rękopis nr 6039.
- The Low Lithuanian Language of Jonas iš Svisločės (1823) and the Problem of its Translator’s Identity
The Polish writer Jan Chodzko (1777-1851) is the author of Jonas išSvisločės and Juozapas Rupeika (1789-1854) is believed to be the translator of Chodzko’s text into Lithuanian. The language of the translation is a mixture of both the Low Lithuanian and the High Lithuanian dialects. Despite the translator’s noticeable efforts to incorporate the High Lithuanian dialect into his writing, he maintains many original Low Lithuanian forms, hence proving his Low Lithuanian origin. Moreover, the analysis of the Low Lithuanian forms in the text indicates that the translator must have been bornin the South (Dūnininkai) rather than in the North Low Lithuanian (Dounininkai) dialect area. Different scholars suggest different birth places for Rupeika. If it is proven that Rupeika was born in the South Low Lithuanian dialect area near Kaltinėnai, it will be clear that he was indeed the translator of Jonas iš Svisločės. If, however, it is found that Rupeika was born in the North Low Lithuanian dialect area near Telšiai, it will be obvious that he was not the real translator of Chodzko’s text.
Source : LIETUVIŲ KALBOS INSTITUTAS http://www.lki.lt/index.php?test=201